Pure culture method pdf

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      pure culture techniques microbiology

      the 3 methods used to isolate a pure culture

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      methods of obtaining pure culture

      Simpler methods for isolation of a pure culture include: (i) spread plating on solid agar medium with a glass spreader and (ii) streak plating with a loop. The purpose of spread plating and streak plating is to isolate individual bacterial cells (colony-forming units) on a nutrient medium.
      aseptic techniques and enrichment culture based techniques; relationship . microorganisms in order to observe colony morphology, 2) for pure culture isolation
      the fact that we cannot do experiments with them without pure culture techniques. In this chapter, we examine in some detail these techniques. These methods
      Isolation of pure culture; streaking, pour plates etc; sub culturing In both spread-plate and streak plate techniques, successful isolation depends on spatial.
      To demonstrate good aseptic technique in culture transfer or inoculation and in differential and selective media to assist you in the pursuit of the pure culture.
      A single visible colony represents a pure culture or single type of bacterium isolated from a mixed culture. Fig. 3.2 Isolation technique. 6. Three basic methods of
      Lab Exercise 5: Pure culture techniques. OBJECTIVES. 1. Perform a streak-plate to separate the cells of a mixed culture so that discrete colonies can be isolated
      Two different types of agar plate isolation techniques will be used—streak and pour. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, and particular uses. The same mixed culture will be used for both methods. Another technique, called the spread plate, is used commonly for counts, as is the pour plate technique.
      In Laboratory manual of standardized methods for antimicrobial sensitivity tests To obtain a pure bacterial culture is the first step to bacterial identification.The isolated colony can be picked and restreaked on nutrient agar plate to get a pure culture. Streak plate method is the most commonly used method to isolate pure cultures. These cells then form isolated colonies. Repeated picking and restreaking of isolated colony ultimately results in a pure culture.

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