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Review Ozone C4 2012 Brand: Ozone Megatron Quick Release The control system features Ozone’s proven Megatron quick Ozone Catalyst 201227 Jun 2011 In 2012, Ozone still found some points that they found the C4 could improve. kit with manual, stickers, key ring and the kite spares with 2012.
The 2012 Ozone Catalyst kitesurfing kite is designed for riders looking for an incredibly and Easy Transport; Ozone Kite Pump; Ozone Kite Repair Kit; Manual.
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29 Mar 2012 Apart from bringing the 2012 C4 a new fresh design. Each size rubber repair kit with manual, stickers, key ring and the kite spares with 2012.
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Ozone Power Kites can be used for Snow Kiting, Mountain Boarding, Buggying, Kite Surfing or just for fun. Check out 2012/2013 De-Power Manual – German.
4 Nov 2014 The 2012 Ozone Catalyst kitesurfing kite is designed for riders looking for an incredibly versatile and easy kite to ride for both freeride and
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